Check your insurance papers

Prepare your papers before hospitalisation

Normally, the greater part of your hospitalisation costs will be paid by your mutual health insurance, provided your payments are up to date.  If a hospitalisation is scheduled we advise you to contact your insurer (other than the mutual) to find out more about what is covered. 

 If your compulsory health insurance is not in order or you do not have Belgian nationality, unless you can show proof that the costs are covered you will have to pay the full amount of the medical costs. You will receive an estimate of the expected costs prior to your hospitalisation and will be asked to make payment before admission. This does not apply in the case of a medical emergency. 

The choice of room you make at the time of admission will determine the rate. 

You have two choices: A shared room or a single room. A single room is a private room in which you will be alone. Choosing for such a room necessarily brings additional costs. 

Please note: If documents (certificates, medical testimonials, private insurance documents, etc.) have to be filled out by the unit doctor, please submit these to the medical secretariat at the beginning of your hospital stay so that they can be ready on the day of your discharge at the latest.